Friday, September 20, 2013

Me? Stubborn?

I was talking to a friend tonight about how things went in court today.  She told me she admired us for doing all this and fighting for this little boy of ours.  My response was "Thanks, but I think we just didn't know what we were getting ourselves into!". When I told Nathan about my conversation, he said, "What do you mean we didn't know, they talked a bunch in training about how these cases can go". 

I don't like to be wrong.  And I really don't like to admit when I'm wrong.  So, I'm going to take the route of, "I did know what foster care could be like, but I had to verify it for myself to make sure what I was told was actually true".  And.... its true.

We went to court today and after an anguishing few days preparing myself for it, we still don't know anything.  I knew we wouldn't have an answer today because the judge always takes several days to make a decision in a termination case.  But, maybe just to solidify my lesson on how the trainers were in fact right when they said these cases can be long, drawn out, and stressful, the second half of today's court date was continued.  CONTINUED!!  That means no decision today, no decision next week, maybe not even next month.  Its hard to say when court will be rescheduled because some of the lawyers are about to go on vacation.  And, of course they aren't all off during the same week, so that will draw this out even longer. 

So, OK, OK, I admit it.  If I didn't know before what kind of journey we were embarking on, I know it now.  I'm not stupid enough to say when its going to be over either.  I will just get back on the crazy bus and see where it takes us. 

Anyone want to make me a stiff drink?

Court was actually today... 

We have court tomorrow.  This will be the hearing to terminate parental rights for both of Isaiah's parents.  Once parental rights are terminated, we can move towards starting the adoption process.  So, tomorrow is a very important step. 
The part that makes me think about needing a new method of stress relief is the court hearing itself.  No one is positive things will go like we think they should.  I met with everyone involved including the DCS lawyer this week.  He felt like this really isn't a strong case.  He feels termination is the right step, but he isn't totally confident that the judge will grant termination.  He feels there just isn't a lot of strong evidence against the mom.  Which is true, she has been a participant in this all along, but hasn't done anything beyond participate.  There have been concrete issues such as drugs, and she has been caught in lies.  But she has never missed a visit and she is good with Isaiah during her visits.  The thing is, no one can be sure the judge will see the issues as enough to warrant termination.
I wasn't sure the lawyer would want to have me testify because I didn't know how much I would be able to contribute.  But, it turns out he is going to ask me about several things in court.  So I will have to testify.  I'm not looking forward to it.  Both parents will be in the court room, along with their lawyers, and of course the judge, and that will be it.  No one else is allowed in during these hearings.  So, that means I won't know what else has been said, how things seem to be going, nothing.  I will just go in, take the witness stand, and answer questions.  I'm hoping the parents' lawyers won't ask me much. 
We won't have the judge's decision for a few days.  He will hear all the testimony tomorrow and make a decision next week. 
If he decides termination isn't appropriate, the case will basically start over. 
So, my nerves are a bit on edge today.