We finally have a new court date for TPR, September 20. That means this case could be over in a month. Of course, the chances of it going on longer are always there, it was supposed to be done in June.
I'm going to be so relieved when this is all done. Its been a headache for it to go on so long, but its been also nerve racking. I have no doubt that the dad's rights will be terminated. But, I'm reluctant to be so confident about the mom's rights. I'm sure it will get done, but there's always the chance that the judge will feel there isn't enough evidence to justify terminating mom's rights. I know she can't be a full time mom, but she has a lot going for her too. She loves Isaiah. She is good to him during visits. She has never missed a visit-- in two years time. But that's not to say she's a model parent either. She's had several positive drug screens. She has lied about who lives with her. She has been kicked out of drug treatment twice. And there have been other issues come up through out the past 2 years. So, even though I think its a cut and dry case, I'm not the judge. Plus, my view might be somewhat skewed, I mean I have taken care of this little boy since he was a tiny baby. He's a part of our family now.
So, hopefully this will be done next month. Then, no more visits! We can start the adoption process! We will be one giant step closer to having a new permanent member of our family!