Thursday, July 18, 2013

I think Isaiah is going to be in foster care until he starts kindergarten! Maybe not quite that long, but that's not too much of an exaggeration.  The original court date for termination was in the beginning of June.  It was continued until August 10.  Now, it has been continued again.  The caseworker told us she thinks it will be October before we get another date.

So, if rights finally get terminated in October, we will still have to wait 6 months before we can finalize his adoption.  So that means, the earliest will be April of 2014.  Isaiah will turn 3 in April.  He came to us when he was 3 months old.

I know lots of cases go on this long, but its frustrating that now its the lawyers who are dragging this out.  Both parents have public defenders.  Both of those lawyers have asked for continuances because of schedule conflicts.  Its just frustrating. 

But it will get done eventually.  And then this little guy will be a Coe forever.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Terrible Twos are in Full Swing!

Isaiah has discovered that he has a temper.  And, he has decided that he needs to continue trying out this temper to see what will happen.  He must feel like he hasn't perfected the art of throwing a tantrum yet because he practices frequently throughout the day. 

I know its a normal part of being two, but I hope he figures out soon that throwing a temper tantrum equals not getting what he threw the tantrum about in the first place.  I don't know how many more tantrums my sanity can calmly take. 

We still don't know for sure how being exposed to alcohol prenatally will affect him, but so far I don't think these tantrums are related to that.  His mom has said she drank throughout her pregnancy, and my guess is she used cocaine too since she has used regularly for the last 2 years, so we know he was exposed. 

The doctor has said it is a good sign that he has hit his developmental milestones within the normal range.  But, she says we could still see issues once he gets to be school age.  Hopefully not, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

I hate to admit it, but he does do some questionable things sometimes. He is always getting himself stuck places.  He gets stuck under the kitchen chairs quite frequently! Its pretty much a daily occurrence that I hear his little voice yell "Mom! I stuck!!" followed by me trying not to laugh as I discover exactly what he's stuck in this time.  The picture below should give you a pretty good idea of what I'm dealing with!

All joking aside, and if I overlook the two year old stuff, this is a pretty awesome little boy.