Our family recently started on a journey we have wanted to take for a long time--We became foster parents! This is our story and my feelings and reactions along the way.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Last week, the visit started with just Z in the room, and then after an hour, it was supposed to switch and she would have just G. 10 minutes into the visit, Z said, "I want Mommy". The mom asked him to repeat it, and he said it again, as calm and matter of fact as could be, "I want Mommy". She knew he wasn't talking about her. She came out and said he needed to come out of the visit because he wanted me. She didn't try to redirect Z or try to keep him in with her for even just a few more minutes, she just brought him out. The visit was over, after just 10 minutes. I think she has totally checked out of this situation. She knows the kids shouldn't be with her, especially Z, and she is done.
I have to say, I am ready for this to be done too. G is going to be going home in 2 weeks and Z is going to be a part of our family forever. I am ready to start the next part of our lives, and for all these parts of our life causing turmoil to be over. I know that even after Z is adopted and G is with his dad, things will never be totally over. G and Z are still brothers. We will always be a part of each others' lives, but we will finally be able to feel like a normal family again.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
It's not technically news yet, but it's good!!!
State law says that once a child is removed from the home for 15 out of 22 months (doesn't have to be consecutive but it is in this case) a petition to terminate parental rights has to be filed. So, DCS will be filing that on both boys during our court date May 9. But, because the mom has expressed that she does want G and she has done fairly well with him during visits, DCS will be asking for his termination case to be dismissed. That doesn't mean she automatically gets custody. Nothing will change right now as far as what the mom gets with G. What will change with G is DCS will be asking for G's dad to begin his trial home placement. That means G will be going to live with his dad on or around May 7. DCS labels it as a "trial home placement" because that allows them to remain involved and keeps G's case open for 3 months. I think things will go well. G's dad has definitely shown several times and different ways that he wants G and that he is ready to be a dad. I think he can do it, especially with all the support he has. The huge thing came when they moved on to talking about Z (not that G leaving isn't huge to us). No one will be asking for the termination case to be dismissed on Z like they will be for G. There are a few ways this could go... 1) DCS files for termination and a new case is opened where DCS presents all the evidence they have to say why rights should be terminated (and there is a lot of evidence). 2) the mom relinquishes her rights voluntarily and saves us all from having to hear all that evidence and the adoption would take place in a few months. 3) the mom signs her rights over on a form called "termination with the intent to adopt", in that case Nathan and I are named directly on that paperwork as the adoptive parents and the whole thing is done quickly (a couple months). She said she wants option 3. I was so surprised, and ecstatic, to hear her say that. If she follows through with this, Z will be a permanent part of our family really soon. The good thing is, it doesn't matter if she follows through or not, all three of those options result in us adopting Z. It's just that option 3 is the quickest and least traumatic. Also, no matter what, we all agreed (including the mom) that visits with Z need to stop now. I really think as miserable as Z has been during these visits, she is just as miserable. (Don't judge me for enjoying the fact that she's miserable just a little). So, hopefully, today was the last time our little man will see his biological mom. I can't wait until his case is closed and he is a Coe forever.
So a lot of changes are coming soon and all at once. It is going to be hard to tell G goodbye. We have raised him from the time he was 6 months and now he's 20 months old. We have tried to keep our emotions in check and not let ourselves forget he is here only until his family is ready to have him back. Still, we are very attached to him. I truely love him the same as I love any one of the other kids. Only, with him, I have made myself reserve a tiny bit back so I could deal with him going without a breakdown. I'm happy though for G and his dad. That is where he belongs and being where they belong is what I want for all my kids. One good thing about this situation is G's dad has told me he wants G to have a relationship with his brother. So, hopefully we will be able to meet up every now and then so the boys can see each other. I think knowing that our goodbye next month won't be a forever thing makes this all so much more tolerable. Plus the fact that we now know for sure that Z is not going anywhere softens the blow of saying goodbye to G. What a bittersweet day May 7 will be!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Someone would bail me out right?
But, here it is Friday again. Visit day. We will be starting over again. And if things follow on as they have been the last few weeks, the next few days will only be worse than the bad days we had last week. It sucks. I hate having to send this sweet boy into a situation I know will be so hard for him that he will act out for the next 3 or 4 days in his attempt to deal with what he's going through.
That's where the bail money comes in. Yesterday I was thinking, wouldn't I do anything for my kids to keep them safe? Yes, of course I would. So, to keep Z safe, I need to keep him out of these visits. But, the judge hasn't said visits can stop yet. So, if I refuse to take Z, I am in contempt of court. And I have been told I wouldn't do very well in jail. So, I guess I won't be needing that bail bondsman just yet. Besides, how can I take care of 5 kids from a jail cell?!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
What's the opposite of progress??
Here is our house so far....
The kids have been so excited to see the progress. We go over every evening and look at all the work that has been done. G and Z find the pile of pea gravel and toss little rocks at each other. Hannah and Addison inspect their rooms and see if they approve. It really has been fun so far. Hopefully it will continue that way!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
P.S. our house has outside walls, a plywood roof, and interior studs! Things are moving on that front at least! If I can figure out how, I will try to put some pictures on here.